
2023-02-27 13:57:24 来源:哔哩哔哩

This book is really joyful, with non-stop jokes about country life, yet it is full of healing power, very suitable for reading to relax and relieve stress! 

这本书真的太美好了,我被它治愈了!我也强烈推荐《克拉克森的农场》英文有声书Diddly Squat,作者是杰里米·克拉克森。

This is the most wonderful and healing book I've read this year! After reading for just over an hour, it made me laugh for a month! Clarkson, the little old man, is so lovely, he tells of the various difficulties and situations he encounters on the farm in a serious yet self-deprecating tone, and I laughed throughout the whole thing! 



The author Clarkson is a 59-year-old grumpy old man, whose original profession was to test cars and write columns. He knew nothing about agriculture. But because the farm manager he hired was retiring, Clarkson made a major decision: to take over the farm himself! 


Despite knowing nothing about agriculture, he was confident: "I think farming is a skill that's already ingrained in our DNA. You just scatter the seeds on the ground, the rain falls from the sky, and the food grows by itself. It's a piece of cake." 


So, his "farm adventure" officially began! 


The first thing he did to run the farm was buying a huge Lamborghini tractor , but it got stuck in the door frame because it was too big. After planting the seedlings, he didn't know they needed water, and the vegetable garden was 800 meters away from the water valve, so all the newly planted seedlings wilted... 


After a year of hard work, he only made a net profit of £144! Even netizens couldn't help but make fun of him, saying, "the irritable old farmer works online, but he has nothing to show for it after a year of hard work." 


My favorite part is when Clarkson interacts with his sheep! Under his pen, it was a great battle of wits and courage between man and sheep, and I laughed until my stomach hurt. This book is really joyful, with endless humor in rural life, but it is also full of healing power. It is perfect for reading to relax and unwind! 


关键词: 克拉克森 一本正经 小菜一碟

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